Non-Performing Loans – Strategies for financial recovery

6 Jun
11:00 - 12:30

Fraud & Asset Recovery
Member Hosted Events

A discussion about NPL enforcement and trends in the market across the globe. We will discuss how banks and other financial institutions are tending to deal with their NPL portfolios and various strategies for enforcement. The speakers we have confirmed (and are in the process of confirming) have experience of buying and enforcing NPLs globally and in particular, will speak to enforcement strategies in Europe, the Middle East and India.  



  • Prashan Patel - Grant Thornton
  • Alan Sheeley - Pinsent Masons
  • Sophie Lalor-Harbord - Stewarts
  • Manmeet Singh - Saraf and Partners
  • Steven Haynes - Greyhawk


  • Pinsent Masons
  • Stewarts