Expert Advisor or The Expert Witness: Benefits, Challenges & Top Tips - sponsored by Equal Representation of Experts Pledge

6 Jun
09:00 - 10:30

Experts and third parties
Member Hosted Events

Experts regularly play a central role in understanding and then resolving disputes, but can they act as an advisor and then an expert witness? In this panel event, hear from seasoned expert witnesses, instructing solicitors and a litigation funder about the benefits of instructing an expert advisor, the challenges it can bring in future formal dispute resolution processes, and leave with some top tips for how to obtain the best assistance from an expert without casting a shadow over their evidence.


  • Welcome: Kathryn Britten - AlixPartners
  • Moderator: Kate Corby - Baker McKenzie
  • Karen Best - HKA
  • Greg Huitson-Little - AlixPartners
  • Cat Greenwood-Smith - Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP
  • Camila Godman - Omni Bridgeway


  • Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP
  • Baker McKenzie
  • HKA