Russian Counter Sanctions - Strategies and Solutions after UniCredit v RCA

6 Jun
11:00 - 12:30

Member Hosted Events

Following the invasion of Ukraine in 2022 Russia has enacted a range of sanctions which affect the interests of western businesses and allow Russian Courts to disregard valid jurisdictional and arbitral bargains. Article 248.1 of the Russian Arbitrazh Procedural Code has changed the landscape of international dispute resolution. This panel discusses the risks and potential responses available to affected parties in courts and in arbitration including anti suit injunctions, emergency arbitrations and enforcement strategies.

There will be the opportunity for discussion over some refreshments in the break-out area after the panel. 


  • Professor Yarik Kryvoi - Keidan Harrison LLP and BIICL
  • Stuart Cribb - Essex Court Chambers
  • Chaired by LIDW Co-Chair Luke Harrison - Keidan Harrison LLP
  • Charles Claypoole - Latham & Watkins
  • Lorraine Aboagye - Essex Court Chambers


  • Keidan Harrison LLP
  • Essex Court Chambers