Universalism and Comity - Cross Border Insolvency processes available before the Courts of England and Wales

7 Jun
16:00 - 17:30

Jurisdictions and global issues
Member Hosted Events

Alice Lithgow, a partner at Summit Law, and Darragh Connell and Edward Armitgage, barristers at Maitland Chambers, will discuss the availability of various tools to assist cross border insolvency processes, including:-

- How to wind up a foreign registered company
- Appointing administrators over a foreign company
- Recognition Orders pursuant to the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency and the Cross-Border Insolvency Regulations 2006
- Requests for assistance from the English Courts
- Obtaining evidence for use in foreign proceedings
- Recognition and Enforcement of foreign judgments

The event will close with a drinks reception.


  • Alice Lithgow - Summit Law LLP
  • Darragh Connell - Maitland Chambers
  • Edward Armitage - Maitland Chambers
