Emerging trends and public perceptions in class actions, funding and corporate accountability

5 Jun
09:00 - 10:30

Jurisdictions and global issues
Member Hosted Events

Join Ashurst, Stewarts and Portland Communications for an examination of the key trends driving the class action landscape and future of corporate accountability. Informed by new polling and data from Portland's Commercial Courts Report, the esteemed panel of experts will investigate what shifting public attitudes mean for practitioners their clients.


- Class Actions key themes and shifts in public opinions

- Litigation Funding - Awareness and Acceptance

- ESG Litigation and Corporate Accountability


  • Tim West - Ashurst LLP
  • Lorraine Lanceley - Stewarts LLP
  • Simon Pugh - Portland Communications
  • Andrew Mizner - Editor in Chief, Global Legal Group


  • Ashurst
  • Portland
  • Stewarts Law