Winds of Change: The Challenges, Developments and Future of offshore wind disputes

5 Jun
16:00 - 17:30

Energy disputes
Member Hosted Events

This engaging and interactive session will look at the changing and challenging landscape of off-shore wind projects throughout the world. Our panel of industry experts will explore key issues such as risk allocation, the constant push for bigger and better, and balancing the commercial pressures of construction and revenue.

Please join us as we look at real life case studies of off-shore wind disputes and we how envisage unifying global aspirations for a better, greener future.



  • Daniel Miles - J.S. Held
  • Richard Booth - HFW
  • Camille Slow KC - Atkin Chambers
  • Alfonso MaƱez Castillejo - Scottish Power


  • J.S. Held
  • HFW