Horses for courses? Litigation or Arbitration for banking and finance disputes?

5 Jun
11:00 - 12:30

Banking/ Financial Services disputes
Member Hosted Events

Please note that lunch will be served following this session.

Traditionally, investment banks and other financial institutions have favoured litigation over arbitration.  However, recent years have seen an increase in the use of arbitration to resolve banking and financial markets disputes.

With continued macro-economic uncertainty and, in particular, an increased level of corporate distress, the next wave banking disputes is hovering on the horizon. However, in what forum should those disputes best be resolved? Does the answer depend on the jurisdiction? On the nature of the dispute? On the identity of the parties?

We explore the whys and wherefores of both sides of the debate with a cast of lawyers who act for and against the investment banks. 


  • Hannah Ambrose - Herbert Smith Freehills
  • Jonathan Cary - RPC (London)
  • Duncan Matthews KC - Twenty Essex
  • Philip Riches KC - Twenty Essex
  • Yi-Shun Teoh - RPC (Hong Kong)


  • RPC
  • Twenty Essex